
Monday, July 2, 2012
2:33 PM

It's been a long time.
It's a photo blog.
Some photos, I recall why I post them.
Others, I've forgotten about what they meant already.

Today, it's a wordy post.
Because I have no place to vent all my emotions to.
No one to listen, no one who'd understand.
Grief was over already. Cried and wiped with wet tissue. BAD IDEA.

At this point in life, I really reflect..
What have I been doing?
I make wrong decisions, I place the wrong priorites above.
I failed, I cried, and no one hears.

I thought about it...
Why will I fail the paper again?
What if I don't pass? What if I can't go out for clinicals?
What will my parents say?
What will my friends think of me?
What will my patients think of me?

So I cried. Doesn't change anything.
I don't wanna give up just yet.
Give me a reason to keep fighting.