snap away. food. love. creatures. joy. pain. disgust. whatever that my Blackberry (that's the name of my IXUS100IS) sees.
i want to find a nice friend, who holds a camera in his/her hands where he/she goes; who loves to take photos and loves to be taken photo of; who will capture lovely memories of my life for me; who will let me unveal my true self and accept me; who will let me be who i am and be happy.
現在, 以上所說的都已不重要. 我想找的, 只是真心的朋友.
talk about links. leave a message if you want to be linked.
so real, that when i woke up, i realised, it was only a dream.
they say dreams never come true.
will that day ever come?
Saturday, August 20, 2011
a past it shall be; 12:17 PM
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
2:50 PM
Almost every single player around me has gone for an overseas trip with their team, be it with the school, the club, or the national squad. I have been for mine during JC, and I have seen how much good it will do. When is it going to be NYP's turn? When is it going to be my batch's turn? Will it ever come?