snap away. food. love. creatures. joy. pain. disgust. whatever that my Blackberry (that's the name of my IXUS100IS) sees.
i want to find a nice friend, who holds a camera in his/her hands where he/she goes; who loves to take photos and loves to be taken photo of; who will capture lovely memories of my life for me; who will let me unveal my true self and accept me; who will let me be who i am and be happy.
現在, 以上所說的都已不重要. 我想找的, 只是真心的朋友.
talk about links. leave a message if you want to be linked.
Nowadays, it's just work and work, taking my mind off things that I need not think about. Confessions were made, and there are more to come. More for me to take. More for me to experience. More of God:)
Monday, January 11, 2010
independence day. 11:34 PM
i had two crashes while riding my bike today. minor ones. very minor. yet it sets me thinking... if i just died on the road like that, will anyone come and mourn over my dead body?
Thursday, January 7, 2010
emptiness. 12:03 AM
back to those shit emo times. all thanks to you. and you, and you. don't say sorry. don't ask if i'm okay. 'cause i'm not. i'm not your toy.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
hello 2010. 7:42 PM
the new year is here. time of refreshing. time of preparation. time of hearing You.
year of praying. year of dedication. year of listening. O my God... :)