the new default look. 10:34 PM
Wow. A week away from home.
Finally, after much delay, Kia Boon and I attended our attachment camp and went for our first official camp this week.
Attachment camp was with naval base primary. The kids weren't too bad. Prateep was one of the naughtiest, but my darling too:):) Experienced a lot of things that can only be learnt at the actual camps itself and not at training.
First camp was CCKPS with Geovenn, Boon, Adhy, Ah Pie, Shah, Adlin, Shakthi, Ilham, Saf, Ken, Valerie, Bernice, Kep, Hilmi, Elsie, Andy and Justin.
Full of fun and laughter with my Warriors:):) I tekan them real hard on the first day. Thought I was too fierce though. So I totally toned down on the second day. Put on my new default look, which is from :| to :)
Not too bad, though it was difficult. But God has been a great reminder to me. All I thought about was basically, 'What would Jesus do?'
I enjoyed the camp more when I'm happy and the kids are happy too. That's real joy.
And guess what? I'm known as Auntie, and is mistaken as married with Geovenn. ULTIMATE -.-|||
But yeah, all was fun and really good. BUT KEN IS GOING BACK TO SYDNEY SO SOON!!!:(:(

See you soon, Big Boy:):)