thank you to so so many many people!!! it's definitely a lovely 18th birthDAY:))))) woke up late in the morning and missed seeing TWO of my eye candies:/ mona was the first to pass me a present!!!=D though it was some DELECTABLE-LOOKING CHOCOLATE pokky which i can't eat for now:/ thanks mona!! was feeling so shy in the early morning when the girls team sang birthday song for me, followed by for jesslyn. guess what cake is it??? it's our favourite BREAD PUDDING!!!! made by tricia:))) shall wait for dearest rachel to up load the pictures.
can't believe i got tricked by my classmates. they came to me telling that "mr fong wants to see us at the back of the caf." and i didn't find anything suspicious at all!!! until clarissa came from behind, covered my eyes and led me to my "birthday cake" - APPLE STRUDEL!!! haha!!! so touched that they put in the effort to look for alternatives for chocolate and peanut and cheese:))) and seriously, ritz apple strudel was AWESOME!!! -slurrrrrpppsssss-
delia darling gave me a card. jason gave me a 500 dollar note. clarissa gave me a lovely bookmark. best of all??? I'VE GOT A HOLGA, AND A WHOLE BOX OF CHOCOLATE COOKIES from sally!!! haha. so sad that i couldn't eat them, but they smell like heaven~!~! offered my friends the cookies and it was INDESCRIBABLE!!! it came in a lovely orange rectangular tin with my initial on it!!! =D now i've found great use for it.
NOT FORGETTING!!! sweet jesse and tambu and carlos bought me brownie with 5 scoops of ice cream - vanilla, oreo, strawberry and chocolate, topped with chocolate syrup!!! LOL. plus oreo cheesecake!!! hurr. forgetful quek!!
so i had 2781368764018723687124 people wishing me a great birthday((((((: played basketball in the afternoon. then went off to little india by myself. the SLR was my only companion. so walked around, got clarissa and sarah their bangles, went threading, and headed home via esplanade. not much of nice pictures taken lah. i think i'm too lousy alr:/ i'll try harder~
oh well, THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR THE WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY!!! sorry if i have forgotten to mention anyone's name:/

i'm a happy kid!!!:)))))))